Scooter Center Classic Day 2010 # 3
Scooter Center Open Day / Classic Day 2010
Classic Day # 3 at SCOOTER CENTER lured Vespa & Lambretta- Driver to Bergheim-Glessen.
Many thanks to the many visitors to our Open Day for Vespa & Lambretta customers.
Many thanks also to all private parts sellers: there are some bargains that have wandered over the wallpapering tables!
In the best weather: great sunshine and pleasant temperatures, the petrol talks over grilled sausage and Kölsch were even better.
The highest performance has a Vespa with a Malossi 210 converted to water cooling and a DevilInside head 34,8 PS scored!
We are already looking forward to Classic Day # 4!
That was a great day! Above all, my performance on the test bench! Andy S. did you see that? :-)