Scooter Center bewerten

Scooter Center and rate products

Reviews are very important to a company. That is why we are working internationally with an enterprise partner (eKomi).

After placing your order, we ask you via eKomi for your consent to be able to send you an evaluation e-mail. You will receive this message just a few days after placing your order. With this e-mail you can then comfortably evaluate us as a service provider and also the purchased products in just a few moments. You help other scooter riders with your rating!

Your consent is required

The approval appears after the order is completed in the online shop and looks like this.

Scooter Center rate Ekomi review

Your positive rating is very important to us. Please agree and evaluate diligently :-)

Rate that Scooter Center direkt

Tip: You visited us in the store or received great advice on the phone? Your recent orders have always been perfect. Or did a complaint run smoothly? You can rate us now and share your opinion:

Now rate here with your Google account

Thank you!