Scooter Center goes Italy - 1 Rimini Lambretta Center


Scooter Center in viaggio in Italia - Part 1 Rimini Lambretta Center

<strong>The Eurobursar</strong> Scooter Center in tour in Italia: nel fine settimana Oliver, Philipp e Heiko sono partiti alla volta dell'Italia. Il programma molto fitto sicuramente valeva il lungo viaggio: dopo il weekend il contachilometri segna oltre 3.000 km in più.



The tap of the tour in Italy:

  1. Rimini Lambretta Center 20th Anniversary Open Day / Rimini
  2. Scooterata organizzata from Teste Cromate Scooter Club / Rimini
  3. Visit to Polini / Bergamo
  4. Visita a Casa Lambretta e al Museo Scooter & Lambretta / Milano

Step 1 —

Rimini Lambretta Center 20th Anniversary Open Day / Rimini

The lake of Garda can be read through the history of the lake Scooter Center


The video sulla prima tappa

The first thing we know is the lake of Garda. Abbiamo fatto visita ad amici di lunga data, apprezzato l'Italia e ricordato con piacere vecchie storie. Il lago di Garda has a ruolo importante nella più che ventennale history of Scooter Center.



E a Malcesine che tanto tempo fa Oliver Kluger acquistò il primasimo scooter for Scooter Center, che avrebbe poi trasferito in Germania - una Vespa Rally TS 125. La Vespa fu successivamente restaurata e rivenduta a Colonia. Fu acquistata da Volker, che la guida ancora oggi. Volker è il nostro primo cliente in assoluto e ci è rimasto fedele nel tempo. So siamo noti per la consegna rapida di ricambi e parti tuning per scooter, al momento abbiamo molte Vespa usate on sale.

Dopo una notte breve, il sabato ci mettiamo di buon'ora in marcia to Rimini. The percorso è musica per le nostre orecchie: “Verona, Mantova, Modena, Bologna, Imola, Rimini” e più ci avviciniamo alla meta, più l'attesa si fa pressante.




Il Rimini Lambretta Center e Dean Orton

Il Rimini Lambretta Center It's an anniversary and an ottimo cliente and this fornisce il cambio CYCLONE 5 Speed ​​with Lambretta, collettore d'aspirazione Maxi Flusso per Lambretta and the new ones cilindri Casa Lambretta Performance.

Rimini Lambretta Center

The tattoo CYCLONE 5 sull'avambraccio di Dean denota chiaramente che per lui questo cambio a 5 marce per lambretta Not just a single piece of ricambio. A Rimini forniamo soprattutto in nostri products BGM, The team capitanato da Dean Orton utilizza also per la sua attività principale: il restauro di Lambrette. Nell'RLC tutto ruota intorno alla Lambretta. Nell'imponente officina nascono Lambrette spettacolari. L'attesa e le nostre aspettative erano enormi e non siamo rimasti delusi…

Rimini in Emilia Romagna

“Rimini: Riviera Adriatica, centro del turismo balneare - una località balneare di lunga tradizione, sabbia, sole, spiaggia, mare”. Ma per noi qui c'è qualcosa di ben più importante! E si trova nella zona industriale: il 20 ° anniversario e open day del Rimini Lambretta Center.
Dopo aver salutato calorosamente tanti vecchi amici, ci mettiamo al lavoro per montare lo stand - cosa che procede molto velocemente visto che Philipp ha spedito a un indirizzo sbagliato la merce da esporre… :-) Fortunatamente abbiamo potuto attingere dalque e magazzino lo stood.

bgm tuning Scooter Center in Rimini at Rimini Lambretta Center

L'open day del Rimini Lambretta Center

L'area circostante l'RLC si è subito riempita di Lambrettisti per lo più italiani e inglesi. Sono presenti approx 500 visitors with approximately 120 lambrette and Qualche Vespa.

For the ventennale dell'RLC Dean has fatto le cose in grande. Entrando nel negozio si vienee accolti da una Lambretta in the world record: la Lambretta carenata che l'8 agosto 1951 superò i 200km/h sul chilometro lanciato. In sella c'era Romolo Ferri, che batte il record del mondo sul tratto chiuso di autostrada tra Ingolstadt e Monaco. II 125cc engines caricato meccanicamente erogò una potenza di circa 21CV.

Una gigantesca pizzeria mobile provvede a rifocillare i visitatori offer loro squisite specialità regionali, nonché vino, acqua, birra e caffè in abbondanza.

Spettacolare prova su strada della Lambretta

Per testare gli scooter, l'RLC ha fatto chiudere al traffico un tratto di strada - un giro tutt'intorno alla zona industriale.



Oltre agli scooter restaurati dall'RLC, sono disponibili per la prova soprattutto scooter provenienti dalla collezione di Casa Lambretta. Per i presenti the punto d'attrazione è costituito dai due Prototipi bicilindrici di Lambretta della Innocenti, that's not my fault Victor Tessera ha fatto restaurare dall'RLC. Nel numero di giugno di scootering il restauro sarà illustrato fin nelle viscere del motore. Abbiamo testato anche i prototipi bicilindrici originali della Innocenti. C'è una sola cosa da dire: peccato che non siano entrati nella produione di serie!

Lambretta con 305cc and 50CV

305cc e oltre 50CV - not abbiamo mai guidato nulla di più impetuoso dei BSG Casa Performance prototype 305cc. Blocco motore CNC con cilindro BSG da305 cc, cambio Cyclone 5 Speed ​​e Frizione BGM PRO Superstrong: un mostro che eroga una potenza the old 50CV. Per le prove su strada la Lambretta è stata limitata a 45CV agendo sull'accensione programmabile. Nella scooterata di domenica abbiamo potuto metterla ampiamente alla prova, il video sarà presentato nella seconda parte. Watch this space!

bsg 305cc lambretta



BSG Corse has presentato scooter di potenza impressionante. Le Vespa Smallframes, in particolare, si rincorrevano sul tracciato a velocità da capogiro. When it comes to the leggendario Signor Angelo Zirri, la scene italiana del tuning Smallframe what was almost complete.

Purtroppo però also gli eventi più belli finiscono ea un certo punto la parola d'ordine è stata: smontare!
For good luck you can rest in the sky and the night in a splendid Montano scenario!

Nighter nei monti dell'Emilia Romagna

La cena tutt'insieme e l'all-nighter si sono svolti in un'osteria tra i monti. Una location incantevole con vista sulle luci di Rimini e San Marino in lontananza.





Tra chiacchiere piacevolissime, aunt leccornie italiane e qualche bicchiere di vino, gira che ti rigira siamo andati a letto alle prime luci dell'alba. The tempo di un breve riposo ed è stata la volta dell'highlight successivo. La scooterata ci ha dato modo di testare i prototipi 305cc, soprattutto per quanto riguarda i componenti bgm installati.

This is the first photo of the nostro viaggio in Italy:

Scooter Center goes Italy - 1 Rimini Lambretta Center


Scooter Center trip to Italy - Part 1 Rimini Lambretta Center

The Scooter Center-Team on a trip to Italy: Last weekend Oliver, Philipp and Heiko started their trip to Italy. They had a tight schedule, but the long way had to pay off: during the weekend they covered more than 3,000 km.



Stops during their trip to Italy:

  1. Rimini Lambretta Center 20th Anniversary Open Day / Rimini
  2. Try Cromate Scooter Club Ride Out / Rimini
  3. Polini plans tour / Bergamo
  4. Visit of the Casa Lambretta and the Lambretta Museum / Milan

Part 1

Rimini Lambretta Center 20th Anniversary Open Day / Rimini

Following in the tracks of the history of Scooter Center by the Lake Garda


Video of the first leg

Lake Garda was the first interim target. We visited old friends, enjoyed Italy and wallowed in memories. In its 23 years of existence history of Scooter Center Lake Garda plays a crucial role.



Back then, Oliver Kluger bought it very first scooter for Scooter Center and transported it to Germany. The Scooter was a Vespa Rally TS 125. Later, the Vespa was processed in Cologne and resold to Volker, who is still driving it today. He was our first customer and naturally sticks to us. You rather know us for a quick delivery of spare and tuning parts for scooters. However, we currently have several used Vespa scooters we offer.

The night was short and the journey continued early on Saturday morning, heading to Rimini. The track to travel sounds like music to our ears: “Verona, Mantova, Modena, Bologna, Imola, Rimini”. Our anticipation grows, the closer we get to our destination.




The Rimini Lambretta Center and Dean Orton

For years the Rimini Lambretta Center has been a good customer and supplies us with 5 speed Lambretta Cyclone gearbox, Maxi Flusso Lambretta intake manifold and the new Casa Lambretta Performance cylinders.

Rimini Lambretta Center

The 5 speed Lambretta gearbox is more than a mere part of a scooter to Dean. You know this once you saw it CYCLONE 5 Tattoo on his forearm. We mainly supply BGM products to RLC, which are used for their restorations. Lambretta restorations are the main business of Dean Orton and his team. RLC loves and lives Lambretta. Overwhelming Lambretta scooters are created in an impressive garage. Our anticipation and expectations were immense and we should not be disappointed.

Rimini in the region of Emilia Romagna

"Rimini: the Adriatic, center of beach tourism - a seaside resort with a long tradition, beach, sun, sea." But we had more important things to do! Our destination was the Zona Industriale: The 20th anniversary and Open Day of Rimini Lambretta Center.
After a heart warming welcome by many old friends, we started to put up our stall. This was quickly accomplished, since Philipp had sent the products we wanted to display to a wrong address ... :-) Luckily we were allowed to display products from the RLC stocks.
bgm tuning Scooter Center in Rimini at Rimini Lambretta Center

Rimini Lambretta Center Open Day

The grounds around the RLC were quickly filled with mainly Italian and English Lambrettisti. There were overalls 500 visitors with about 120 lambrettas and only a handful of Vespas.

Dean really dished up for that 20th anniversary of RLC. Entering the shop you were welcomed by a world record Lambretta: The fully faired Lambretta that broke the 200 km/h limited to August 8th, 1951. Romolo Ferri set the world record on a motorway that was blocked from traffic between Ingolstadt and Munich. The mechanically supercharged 125cc engine is told to have had about 21 HP.

A huge transportable pizzeria supplied finest specialties from the region including sufficient wine, water, beer and coffee.

Overwhelming Lambretta test drive

RLC had managed to have a circuit blocked from traffic, so that you were able to test drive the scooters within the industrial estate.DSC01225rimini-lambretta-italrimini-lambretta-ital


Alongside scooters, which have been restored by RLC, there were mainly scooters from the Casa Lambretta collection available for test rides. The two Lambretta Innocenti two-cylinder prototypes were at the center of attention. In the past months these were restored by RLC for Victor Tessera. The June edition of scootering will present the restoration of the interior of the engines. We also did a test ride on the Innocenti two-cylinder prototypes. We can only say: Too sad they didn't make it into serial production.

Lambretta with 305cc and 50HP

305cc and more than 50HP - the most violent scooter we ever rode: BSG CasaPerformance 305cc prototype. CNC engine block with 305cc BSG cylinder, Cyclone5 5 speed gearbox and BGM PRO Superstrong clutch. This monster has more than 50 HP. The Lambretta's programmable ignition was downsized to 45 HP for the test drives. On our cruise on Sunday we were able to extensively test it. The fitting video will follow in the second part of this article. Watch this space!

bsg 305cc lambretta



BSG Corse brought scooters with overwhelming performance. vespa Smallframes were those scooters that chased around the circuit with immense revs. These were later joint by the legendary Signore Angelo Zirri and almost the entire Smallframe tuning scene.

Even the greatest events have to come to an end. So at some stage we had to dismantle everything. But luckily we still had a shared tea and nighter with a fantastic view on the mountains left!

Nighter in the mountains in the region of Emilia Romagna

The joint meal and all-nighter took place in an Osteria in the mountains. A fantastic site with view on the lights of Rimini and San Marino in the distance.allnighter_04rimini-lambretta-italrimini-lambretta-ital




Many kind talks, many Italian snacks and some cups of wine later we fell into our beds in the early hours of the morning. It was a short night with only a little relaxation. Only several hours later we were meant to get to the next highlight. On the cruise we were able to test the 305cc prototypes for their fitted BGM parts.

All pictures of the first leg of our trip to Italy:

Scooter Center goes Italy - 1 Rimini Lambretta Center

Lambretta Scooter Center Italy

Scooter Center Italy Trip - Part 1 Rimini Lambretta Center

The Scooter Center-Team on tour of Italy: Oliver, Philipp and Heiko made their way to Italy at the weekend. The program was pretty full, the long way had to be worth it: over 3.000 km more have been on the clock since the weekend.




The stations of the Italy tour:

  1. Rimini Lambretta Center 20th Anniversary Open Day / Rimini
  2. Try Cromate Scooter Club Ride Out / Rimini
  3. Polini factory tour / Bergamo
  4. Casa Lambretta and Lambretta Museum visit / Milan

Part 1

Rimini Lambretta Center
20th Anniversary Open Day / Rimini

In the footsteps of the Scooter Center History on Lake Garda


The video for the first stage

The first stage destination was Lake Garda. Here we visited old friends, enjoyed Italy and remembered the old stories with joy. Lake Garda plays an important role in the 23-year-old history of Scooter Centers .



In Malcesine, Oliver Kluger had it back then very first scooter for the Scooter Center bought and transferred to Germany - it was one Vespa Rally TS 125. The Vespa was later refurbished and sold in Cologne. Volker bought it back then and still drives it today. He is our very first customer and of course still loyal to us today. While we are better known for our fast delivery of scooter spare, tuning and spare parts, we have a momentum at the moment used Vespa scooters on offer.

After a short night, it starts very early on Saturday to Rimini. The route sounds like music to your ears: “Verona, Mantova, Modena, Bologna, Imola, Rimini” and the closer we get to the goal, the greater the anticipation.




The Rimini Lambretta Center and Dean Orton

The Rimini Lambretta Center has been a good customer for years and supplies us with the CYCLONE 5 speed Lambretta transmission, the Maxi Flusso Lambretta intake manifold and the new one Casa Lambretta Performance cylinders.

Rimini Lambretta Center

That this Lambretta 5 speed gearbox is more than just a scooter part for Dean, you can also tell by that CYCLONE 5 Tattoo on his forearm. We mainly supply Rimini with ours bgm products, which they also use for their restorations. The Lambretta restorations are also the main business of the team around Dean Orton. The RLC loves and lives Lambretta. Spectacular Lambretta scooters are created in the impressive workshop. So the anticipation and our expectations were great and we should not be disappointed ...

Rimini in Emilia Romagna

“Rimini: Adriatic Sea, center of bathing tourism - a bathing resort with a long tradition, sand, sun, beach, sea“. But there are more important things to us! And that is in the Zona Industriale: The 20th birthday and OpenDay of the Rimini Lambretta Center.
After a warm welcome from many old friends, it is time to set up the stand. Which is done very quickly because Philipp sent the goods for the stand to the wrong address ... :-) Fortunately, we were able to help ourselves from the RLC warehouse and equip the stand.

bgm tuning Scooter Center in Rimini at Rimini Lambretta Center

Rimini Lambretta Center OpenDay

The area around the RLC quickly fills up with mostly Italian and English Lambrettisti. It was about 500 visitors on site with about 120 lambrettas and just a handful of Vespas.

Dean has to XNUMXth anniversary of the RLC quite turned up. When you enter the shop, you are first met by one Lambretta world record car Received: The fully disguised Lambretta that died on August 8th, 1951 200 km/h Broke mark over the flying kilometer. Romolo Ferri has the world record drove out on the closed autobahn between Ingolstadt and Munich. The mechanically charged one 125 cc engine should have around 21 hp have had.

A huge mobile pizzeria supplied the visitors with the finest specialties from the region, there was also plenty of vino, aqua, beer and a café.

Spectacular Lambretta test drive

The RLC had closed a circuit for public transport so that the scooters could be tested - once around the industrial park.



In addition to the scooters built by the RLC, it is mainly scooters from the Casa Lambretta collection that can be driven here. The two are in the focus of those present Lambretta Innocenti two-cylinder prototypes. This has Victor Tessera have the RLC processed in the last few months. In the June issue of scootering the reconditioning down to the innards of the engine will be presented. We also tested the original Innocenti two-cylinder prototypes. And here you can only say: it's a shame that it didn't make it into series production.

Lambretta with 305cc and 50PS

305cc and over 50PS - the hardest we have ever ridden: the BSG CasaPerformance 305cc prototypes. CNC engine block with 305cc BSG cylinder, Cyclone5 five-speed gearbox and bgm PRO Superstrong clutch. This monster brings about 50 PS. For the test drives, the Lambretta was castrated to 45 hp via the programmable ignition. At the exit on Sunday we had the opportunity to test it extensively, the video of the exit follows in the second part. Watch this space!

bsg 305cc lambretta



BSG Corse had scooters with impressive performance. Especially the Vespa Smallframes raced across the course at dizzying speeds. They were later joined by the legendary Signor Angelo Zirri and almost the entire Italian Smallframe Tuning scene was on site.

Unfortunately, since even the most beautiful events come to an end, at some point it will be dismantling!
Fortunately, there is still the joint dinner and the nighter with a great view over the mountains!

Nighter in the mountains of Emilia Romagna


The common meal and the allnighter took place in an osteria in the mountains. Fantastic location with a view of the lights of Rimini and San Marino in the distance.





Lots of nice conversations, lots of Italian snacks and a few vinos later we fell into bed sometime in the early morning. The rest was only brief and the recovery little, because the next highlight was already a few hours. On the exit we had the opportunity to test the 305cc prototype, especially with regard to the built-in bgm parts.

All photos from the first stage of our trip to Italy:

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