Instructies en instructievideo's voor uw Vespa PX

The next week will start we met onze Vespa tutorial videos, a series van het Vespa Platónika bgm177 project van het Scooter Center.

  • How do you install a Vespa cilinder?
  • How do I meet the knijpspleetcilinder / zuiger / cilinderkop?
  • Hoe wordt een carburator assembled?
  • Tips for cilinderoppen op a Vespa!
  • Is there a Vespa coupling installed?
  • How do you install a device in my Vespa PX?
  • ...
New Vespa PX tutorials by Scooter Center inspired by the Platónika's project

Vespa Platonika (Platonika)

Platónika is de naam van de scooter. A Vespa PX, which we fully herbouwen met nieuwe onderdelen uit de Scooter Center voorraad. Natuurlijk gebruiken we onze best achtergrondmuziek. Profiteer of our knowhow, krijg veel tips en neem een ​​kijkje achter de schermen.
Volg het project here op de Scooter Center blog:

Instructions and tutorial videos for your Vespa PX

Next week we will start with our Vespa Tutorial Videos, a series from the Vespa Platónika bgm177 project of the Scooter Center.

  • How do I install a Vespa cylinder?
  • How do I measure the squeeze gap cylinder / piston / cylinder head?
  • How to assemble a carburettor?
  • Tips for cylinder studs on a Vespa!
  • How to install a Vespa clutch?
  • How do I install a new transmission in my Vespa PX?


New Vespa PX tutorials by Scooter Center inspired by the Platónika's project

Vespa Platonika (Platonika)

Platónika is the name of the scooter. A Vespa PX, which we completely rebuild with new parts from the Scooter Center floor. Of course we use our best BGM parts. Benefit from our know-how, get lots of tips and take a look behind the scenes.
Follow the project here on the Scooter Center blog:

Instructions and tutorial videos for your Vespa PX

In the next week we start with ours Vespa tutorial videos, a series from the Vespa Platónika bgm177 project from Scooter Center.

  • How do I install a Vespa cylinder?
  • How do I measure the pinch gap cylinder / piston / cylinder head?
  • How is a carburetor assembled?
  • Tips for cylinder studs on a Vespa!
  • How is a Vespa clutch fitted?
  • How do I install a new gearbox in my Vespa PX?
  • ...
New Vespa PX tutorials by Scooter Center inspired by the Platónika's project

Vespa Platonika (Platonika)

Platónika is the name of the scooter. A Vespa PX that we use with new parts from the Scooter Center Create a completely new warehouse. Of course we use our best BGM parts. Benefit from our know-how, get lots of tips and take a look behind the scenes.
Follow the project here in Scooter Centerblog: